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Top Five Mese
i 5 articoli più letti del mese
luglio 2024

di a-oliva
392 letture

Convitto Cutelli incubatore di talenti: l’ex alunno Flavio Tomasello sulla skené della 59esima stagione del Teatro Greco di Siracusa
di a-oliva
320 letture

GPS – Avviso apertura funzioni per la presentazione telematica delle istanze di scioglimento della riserva ai fini dell’inclusione a pieno titolo nella I fascia
di a-oliva
201 letture

Il Coro interscolastico Bellini alle Ciminiere
di a-oliva
200 letture

Bandi ATA 24 mesi – Graduatorie a.s. 2024/2025 indicazioni acquisizioni istanze come da L. 95-2024
di a-oliva
193 letture

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· Giuseppe Adernò (Dir.)
· Antonia Vetro
· Michelangelo Nicotra
· Andrea Oliva
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· Angelo Battiato
· Rosita Ansaldi
· Nuccio Palumbo
· Filippo Laganà
· Salvatore Indelicato
· Carmelo Torrisi
· Camillo Bella
· Renato Bonaccorso
· Christian Citraro
· Patrizia Bellia
· Sergio Garofalo
· Ornella D'Angelo
· Giuseppina Rasà
· Sebastiano D'Achille
· Santa Tricomi
· Alfio Petrone
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· Francesca Condorelli
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Articoli Random


·Ai confini della realtà. Le assurde proposte di una dirigente scolastica 'appassionata al futuro'
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·Concorso dirigenti scolastici 2017: “Giustizia per l’Orale” denuncia i plurimi aspetti di illegittimità
·Quelle strane incongruenze nel curriculum della ministra Lucia Azzolina
·La DaD ha salvato la baracca?

Scuole Polo
· ITI Cannizzaro - Catania
· ITI Ferraris - Acireale
· ITC Arcoleo - Caltagirone
· IC Petrarca - Catania
· LS Boggio Lera - Catania
· CD Don Milani - Randazzo
· SM Macherione - Giarre
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· LS Majorana - Scordia
· IIS Majorana - P.zza Armerina

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Learning World: Programme launched for Media & Learning Conference in Brussels

The organisers of the Media & Learning Conference, the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training and media company ATiT have launched the programme for this year’s conference on 12-13 December. With inputs from media producers, educational policy advisers, innovation experts and inspiring practitioners this event is a ‘must-attend’ for anyone interested in harnessing the power of media to create learning opportunities that meet the needs of today’s learners.
The theme this year is Media Education and Literacy: Equipping Learners for Open, Creative Learning Futures for what will be a unique conference programme exploring the role of creativity and innovation in education and training against the backdrop of dramatic change in how, where and what learners learn.
Setting the scene and priming the discussion will be keynote speakers including Film Director Baroness Beeban Kidron, internationally recognized authority on digital and media literacy education Renee Hobbs, author of children's and young-adult novels Aidan Chambers and media curator Sian Bayne from the University of Edinburgh. They will be joined by Yves Punie from IPTS and José Manuel Pérez Tornero from the EMEDUS group, who will highlight significant European developments in relation to both creativity and innovation in the classroom and media literacy.

Conference programme highlights include:
- Round table discusson on digital ethics led by Don Heider, Center for Digital Ethics and Policy, USA
- Presentations by Daniel Tan, National Technological University, Singapore and Pierre Gorissen, Fontys, The Netherlands on the impact of large-scale video-based services on student performance
- Discussions about ‘Big Data’ in education by Erik Woning, Kennisnet, The Netherlands and Andrea Bolioli,Celi, Italy
- An exploration of media literacy strategies by Anniina Lundvall, Finnish Society on Media Education and Evelyn Bevort, CLEMI, France
- Screenings of excellent examples of media-supported learning including the MEDEA Awards 2013 finalists
- Susanne Friz, FWU Institut für Film und Bild, Germany leading a discussion on creating and curating open educational media resources
- A state-of-the-art presentation by Janice Richardson from European SchoolNet on how to build a safer and better Internet aimed at optimising the use of media in education
- Laure Endrizzi, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France taking part in a presentation and discussion session on online behaviour and its impact on media supported learning
- A featured presentation by Marion Palmer, IADT, Ireland on how media supports active learning in science

There will also be master classes led by educational media production experts like Jack Koumi and
demonstrations of excellent educational video games and media based services along with opportunities to
share, compare and exchange with participants who share your interest in media-supported learning. There is
also a full programme of pre-conference events organised on Wednesday 11 December.

Check-out the full programme and register here:

Aimed at everyone concerned with the successful take up of innovative media-based practices at all levels of
education, this conference promises to highlight the most important developments and discussions taking place
in relation to media-supported learning.

Media & Learning 2013 organised in collaboration with European Commission Directorate-General for Education & Culture

Postato il Giovedì, 05 settembre 2013 ore 08:30:00 CEST di Ornella D'Angelo
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